Monday, June 7, 2021

New information about our 50th

 Today is June 7th, 2021. Yesterday it was decided to share the weekend of September 17th and 18th, 2021 with the class of 1971 and have our own reunion. We have made a couple of changes as to the size of the events but basically the events are the same. One change is that all events will be held at the Holman House on Broad Street in Ozark. We really need to know if you are planning to try to come so that we can make better plans. No costs have been decided on at this time but they will be due at the door. One price for all or one event. We are doing our best to resurrect this reunion after all we have been through this year and two cancellations. Please do everything you can to help us in this adventure and we will be very grateful. Please communicate with John Runkle or Jan Barkett Lisenby. Interested classmates will be meeting again on July 11 at 2 p.m. at the Holman House.  Please let us know your response before that time if you are able. John is planning to email and snail mail everyone he can with this information. Please respond to his requests.